hardwood flooring installation

Oh, Those Gorgeous Hardwood Floor Undertones!

A hardwood undertone is simply a secondary color added to the mixture that can make a wood look yellow, red, orange, brown, or even light pink or cream. You can paint the walls or select colors for upholstery and/or accessories that will either quiet the undertone or make it stand out.
You?ll never go wrong with a neutral wall color shade, but keep in mind that a light color on the wall will make a dark floor stand out, and vice versa.
The key is balance; if you choose a hardwood with a cool undertone, you might want to go with something a little warmer for the wall. But remember, you also don?t have to paint the entire wall; rather, you can create an accent wall to make it stand out and give the room a focal point. You can use color to contrast or compliment, or you can be as dramatic and subtle as you want.
Here are some tips from Carpet Mart in Benton Harbor, MI, on making your room stand out with hardwood:
1.Invest in an inexpensive color wheel. You can get them for around $20, and it will be invaluable in helping you determine which colors will really work best with your hardwood floors.
2.Make sure the room is coordinated, and don?t go overboard with too many colors. You want to create a focal point, so if there are a lot of colors, the eye won?t know where to go.
3.Keep color intensity in mind. Say, for example, you a medium oak floor and you want to give the room a casual, airy feeling. Don?t go with a loud, harsh color! You can use a soft, earthy color, or something with a bit of color with a greenish undertone. You may want a room to look warm and traditional, but if the floors are already dark brown and you use a deep, dark brown on the walls, you?re just going to ?close it in.?
Feel free to come into the Carpet Mart showroom in Benton Harbor, MI, to explore your own personal expression of style.